Domestic violence can be a crime that affects many lives, including those who are accused of it. Violence has a serious stigma, and domestic violence offenders can endure harsh penalties if found guilty in a court of law. If you’re involved in this type of situation, you may be wondering if most domestic violence cases are reported in California. When facing a domestic violence accusation, reach out to a Fontana domestic violence attorney today to discuss your options.
Are Most Domestic Violence Cases Reported in California?
In California, most domestic violence cases go unreported for many reasons. Many people cannot survive without the resources provided by alleged perpetrators, and many are deeply attached to them. Regardless, several of these crimes are not reported to the proper authorities.
However, instances of domestic violence reporting still occur. If you’ve been accused, attempting to take on a domestic violence accusation alone can be catastrophic. You need experienced representation. Once charges are filed, the alleged victim cannot drop them; only a district attorney has the authority to do so.
Domestic Violence Charges
Many people think of spousal abuse when they hear the term “domestic violence,” but that’s not the only type to occur. Domestic violence can cover many different types of crimes perpetrated by spouses, parents, roommates, ex-partners, or other family members. Here are some of the more common related crimes:
- Spouse or Cohabitant Injury: If you physically injure your spouse or cohabitant in a malicious manner in any way, you could be found guilty of domestic violence. If convicted of domestic violence, you could be charged a fine of up to $10,000 and face up to four years in prison.
- Elder Abuse: Elder abuse is the deliberate infliction of pain towards an elderly person over the age of 65. Elder abuse can be physical, emotional, neglectful, or financial. Regardless of how it is inflicted, elder abuse can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and a maximum penalty of four years in prison.
- Child Abuse: Child abuse is the infliction of intentional punishment on a child that results in sometimes irreversible trauma. A charge of child abuse can result in a fine of up to $6,000 and a maximum penalty of six years in prison.
- Stalking: Stalking can be considered a domestic violence charge. It involves the continued harassment and non-consensual following of someone with the eventual intent to harm them in some way. In order for a stalking charge to be filed, the intended victim must feel unsafe or worried about their well-being. A charge of stalking can land you a fine of up to $10,000 and a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
- Child Endangerment: Willfully putting your child or someone else’s child in danger can be considered a domestic violence act. Putting any child in danger on purpose can result in severe penalties, especially if the child suffers any bodily harm as a result of your actions. A charge of child endangerment can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and a maximum penalty of six years in prison.
- Aggravated Trespass: Aggravated trespass involves making a credible threat to someone, then breaking into their home to carry it out within 30 days of making the initial threat. Trespassing is a serious crime, especially when it is done with the intent to harm someone. A charge of aggravated trespass can land you a fine of up to $2,000 and a maximum penalty of three years in prison.
A: No, most domestic violence cases are not reported to the proper authorities. Most often, about half of cases are estimated to be unreported, with exact estimates differing from study to study. Most of the unreported cases come from a fear of stigma and discrimination that domestic violence survivors are likely to face in the aftermath of their cases.
A: According to the
California Department of Public Health, the statistics for domestic abuse in California state that one in five women and one in seven men have reported facing domestic violence from one of their intimate partners at least once in their lifetime. Reportedly, one in six victims of homicide are killed by their intimate partner. The estimated total cost that a woman will spend due to domestic violence is approximately $103,000. For men, that total cost is approximately $23,000.
A: Under California state law, all arrests made are public record. That includes domestic violence cases. If you wish to view someone’s public arrest record in California, all you have to do is contact your local law enforcement office and request a copy. Anyone who is arrested for domestic violence in California will have their record and personal information made available to the general public upon request.
A: An average of
10 million cases of domestic abuse are reported to occur each year in the US. This means that 10 million men and women are physically abused by their intimate partner in some capacity. That equates to 20 people every minute.
Every day, there are approximately 20,000 phone calls to domestic violence hotlines across the US. Additionally, only 34% of domestic violence survivors actually receive medical care for their injuries. Ultimately, the domestic violence rate is high in this country.
Hire the SoCal Lawyer You Need Today
Domestic violence accusations are scary, unpredictable, and have the potential to shatter many lives. Dealing with an accusation on your own can be daunting and painful, but you do not have to be alone in this.
The legal team at My SoCal Lawyers is prepared to assist you in your most unpredictable moments by providing you with options for your specific situation, giving you sound legal counsel along the way, and providing you with an ear to listen if that’s what you need. Contact us to schedule a consultation as soon as you can.