Violating a restraining order can result in serious legal consequences, including fines, jail time, and a criminal record. A San Bernardino restraining order violation attorney can navigate the legal process, present your side of the story, and work to achieve the ideal outcome for your case.
If you’ve been accused of violating a restraining order, it’s crucial to seek immediate legal counsel to protect your rights and defend your case. A defense lawyer from My SoCal Lawyers is standing by and ready to advocate for you.
A restraining order, also known as a protective order, is a legal document issued by a court to protect a person from harassment, threats, or harm from another individual.
In California, restraining orders are often put in place in situations involving domestic violence, stalking, or harassment. When a court issues a restraining order, it typically includes specific terms and conditions that the restrained individual must follow, such as staying a certain distance away from the protected person or refraining from contacting them.
Violating the terms of a restraining order can include:
The consequences of violating a restraining order depend on the specifics of the case, the nature of the violation, and whether it’s a first-time offense or a repeat violation.
Generally, restraining order violations can result in both criminal and civil penalties.
In California, violating a restraining order is considered a criminal offense, which can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the violation.
In addition to criminal penalties, violating a restraining order can have civil consequences, such as:
While the penalties for violating a restraining order can be severe, My SoCal Lawyers can use several defenses to fight your charges. Some of the most common defenses include:
In some cases, individuals may accidentally violate a restraining order without any intent to do so. For example, you may have unintentionally come into contact with the protected person in a public place or inadvertently sent them a message. If the violation was not deliberate, we can argue that you did not intend to violate the order, which may reduce or dismiss the charges.
To achieve a conviction, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you violated the terms of the restraining order. If there is insufficient evidence to support the violation claim, we can challenge the prosecution’s case. This may involve questioning the credibility of witnesses, presenting alibis, or challenging any evidence presented by the prosecution.
Unfortunately, false accusations of restraining order violations do happen, especially in cases involving contentious relationships, such as divorce situations or child custody disputes. If the accusation is false, we can gather existing evidence to prove that you did not violate the order.
In some cases, individuals may not have been properly served with the restraining order or been fully aware of its terms. If you were unaware of an order or did not receive proper notification, this can serve as a valid defense.
There may be situations where violating a restraining order was necessary, such as in cases of medical emergencies or protecting children. If the violation occurred due to an emergency, we could present this as part of your defense, explaining that you had no other choice but to violate the order—in that specific instance.
In addition to defending against restraining order violation charges, My SoCal Lawyers can also represent you in restraining order hearings. These hearings determine whether a restraining order will be put in place or extended, and we can make a significant difference in the outcome.
During a restraining order hearing, both parties have the opportunity to present evidence and testify before a judge. We can gather evidence that supports your case.
If the protected person testifies during the hearing, we can cross-examine them to challenge their claims and expose any inconsistencies in their story. This is especially important if the restraining order is based on false allegations or misunderstandings.
In some cases, we can negotiate more favorable terms for the restraining order, such as modifying the conditions to allow for limited contact or adjusting the distance you must maintain from the protected person. Negotiating the terms of the order can help you maintain some control over your daily life while still complying with the court’s decision.
Facing charges for violating a restraining order in San Bernardino is a serious matter that requires a strategic legal defense. That’s why working with My SoCal Lawyers gives you a great chance of both achieving an optimal outcome and protecting your future.
From challenging the evidence to negotiating with prosecutors, we can fight to uphold your rights and seek fair treatment under the law.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us champion you.